Hey lovelies

I'm Rachel
I started my business by word of mouth and learning anything and everything I could about different shooting techniques and how to use Photoshop on the internet and Youtube videos. I then bought a domain name and started designing my website (which has change a million times since then lol)! I attended Georgian College for Digital Photography and Imaging and met some amazing photographers that I got to grow with and still do.
I have wanted to be a photographer ever since the first time I picked up my friend’s Canon Powershot A610 when I was 11. I immediately went out and bought myself the exact same camera and never put it down. Knowing photography was my passion and excited for my potential, I went through high school saving my pennies to get myself a DSLR camera. On graduation day, my Grandpa surprised me with his old Nikon D70 and I was in love. I started taking photos of my friends, and then my friend’s friends and it went from there.


With technology always advancing and my style always improving, my work has thrived so much since I started that each and every shoot always inspires and surprises me. If someone were to ask me what my favourite part of being a photographer is, I would have to say the fact that my future is a blank canvas. This career can take me in any direction I want to go and become anything I envision for it. The unknown is so exciting!
I love meeting and getting to know every single one of you and being a part of every big moment in your lives.
Most of my clients will agree, that we become fast friends after working together!
Be prepared to become besties!!

I Actually used to
I’m Obsessed With
competitively dance
bread + butter pickles
My Favorite Place to travel
Nothing makes me happier than
Utah, US
road trips with my loved ones
I love to
I Started This Business
at the age of 17
go kayaking with my dog
My furrchild
my big boy Bear
Some stuff you need to know about me

My favourite part of my career...

I get to take my job absolutely wherever I want! Travelling the world while getting to meet so many amazing people is always leaving me so excited for my next adventure!
Want to know where I'm going next...?

Travel Destinations + Dates
Travelling the world to capture the most beautiful people in the most beautiful places!
Now that you know all about me...
Send me a message and let's chat! I can't wait to meet all of you :)
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